B. Evaluative Criteria: Teaching

1. Markers of the highest value, impact, and significance in teaching are, but not limited to:

1c Evidence of national or international honors, fellowships, and awards receivedfor teaching;

2c Evidence that faculty are actively seeking engagement with disciplines and communities beyond their own through invited guest lectures, guest critiques, workshops at national or international levels in order to elevate the knowledge that informs their personal work and students’ learning experiences;

3c Evidence of successful inter-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary, or multi-disciplinary classroom, teaching or student project collaboration that will elevate the students’ learning experiences and learning outcomes;

4c Evidence of outside-the-classroom recognition of individual and group-based student achievement through peer-recognized student competitions, professional acknowledgment of the relative strength of students’ portfolios/bodies of work, the publication of student work in peer-reviewed venues, student awards, etc. at national or international level. Student-faculty collaboration on research publications curated exhibits or juried selections;

5c Evidence of national or international recognition of faculty excellence through student- or peer-nominated forums;

6c Evidence of recognition of faculty excellence through the selection to facilitate specialized teaching initiatives outside of CVAD;

7c Evidence of recognition of faculty excellence within CVAD through the selection to facilitate specialized teaching in honors courses, one-of-a-kind workshops, topic-based programs, etc.

8c Evidence of supporting institutional goals that facilitate cross-campusteaching, collaboration and working in partnerships with colleagues insideand outside the Department of Design;

9c Evidence of successfully developing, implementing and supporting opportunities for internationalization, study abroad and/or international exchange;

10c Evidence of course development or dissemination of courseware used by K-12 institutions, colleges or universities.

2. Markers of value, impact, and significance in teaching are, but not limited to:

1d Evidence of degree earners achieving success advancing their career trajectories inthe long-term, and eventually assuming leadership roles;•

2d Evidence of degree earners achieving sustainable success along entrepreneurialcareer paths;

3d Evidence of the formulation and execution of pedagogic best practices as indicatedby peer-facilitated course evaluations;

4d Evidence of student success at leveraging professional internships into full-time, entry-level positions at top-flight local, regional, national and international consultancies, in- house operations, agencies, etc.;

5d Evidence of regional honors, fellowships, and awards received for teaching evidence of regional recognition of faculty excellence through student- or peer-nominated forums;

6d Evidence or significant course re-design;

7d Evidence of the ability to effectively plan curriculum and facilitate learning experiences that challenge students to address design problems at various scales;

8d Evidence of the utilization of feedback from industry professionals and program graduates to effectively incorporate technological innovations from the profession into teaching;

9d Evidence of the ability to immerse students in knowledge-building experiences rooted in sustainable design thinking;

10d Evidence that faculty regularly innovate their pedagogy, student engagements,work projects, and assessment outcomes, update content, and/or pedagogy of courseware;

11d Evidence that faculty are aware of, and account for trends in the ongoing developments in the broader world of design—technological, theoretical, applied and with regard for research and scholarship emerging in allied disciplines;

12d Evidence that faculty are actively seeking engagement with disciplines and communities beyond their own at local and regional levels in order to elevate the knowledge that informs their personal work and their students’ learning experiences;

13d Evidence of outside-the-classroom recognition of individual and group-basedstudent achievement through peer-recognized student competitions, professional acknowledgment of the relative strength of students’ portfolios/bodies of work,the publication of student work in peer-reviewed publications, student awards, etc.at the regional level;

14d Serving as major professor/chair for comprehensive examination, dissertation, thesis or research project;

15d Serving as a committee member for dissertation, thesis or research project;

16d Evidence of teaching consulting work at K-12 institutions, other colleges or universities.